Sunday, January 27, 2008

random and mostly rediculous questions

If You Were Survey
A Vegitablecarrot
An Animalgirrafe
A Fruitapple
A Colorpink
A Household Objectcurtains
Article of Clothinglow ride jeans
A Drinkmiller lite
A Famous Personme
A Film Charactersandra bullock
A Cartoon Characterbetty boop
A Carbentley
A Cityanytown
A Countryusa
A Mythical Creaturei dont beleive in myths----but i\'d be venus
A Chocolate Baranything dark
A Booksoft cover
A Sportswimming
A Wordamy
One of Your Familyme
One Of Your Friendsme
Take This Survey at


Friday, January 18, 2008

no news is good news

Sorry we haven't been updating as frequently as usual. things have been very busy with work starting back up, getting ready for Cabo, and our camera basically died on us right in the middle of Christmas so we have no new pics to post.

if anyone has a digital camera to get rid of, please let us know!!!! i am going through withdrawals!!!

other than that, there's no cause for panic....